Scholarship / ITI

The ITI (In Training Intern) recipient receives 50% off of the full training price in exchange for assistance before and during the training. This student assist with program marketing efforts, increasing leads and in-training administrative duties. The partner will be in charge of selecting and managing the ITI student.

When to choose your ITI

Four months prior to the training start date.  ITI must submit scholarship and teacher training application. Once formally accepted discounted tuition is due within one week.

Scholarship Application

ITI Duties

Please refer to the offer letter for a list of ITI responsibilities. The ITI Training Presentation below offers detailed instructions on the role. Partner and YogaWorks Program Manager will discuss specific needs of training before ITI selection process begins.

ITI Training Presentation

Qualities to look for when choosing an ITI

Responsible, punctual, dedicated, excited, role model, an extrovert, has access to a car or public transportation, social media skills, writing ability, self-motivated, knowledge of basic excel, access to a computer, dependable and trustworthy.

Consider your studio employees for this role. Students who are personally connected to the success of the training are great in this role.

Application Process

Review the ITI applications thoroughly. Follow up with an in-person meeting or phone interview. Be sure this student embodies the qualities above and they will be working closely with you, the trainer and the YogaWorks team.

Once the ITI is selected an official offer letter is extended by the YogaWorks Program Manager. The ITI will then have 1 week to formally accept and submit payment.

200 Hour ITI Offer Letter

Managing the ITI/Partner Duties

Establish a working relationship (ie. weekly check in’s, be clear about program and position goals). Refer to the ITI’s application for proposed marketing plan. Review plan with ITI and set dates/goals. Hold the ITI accountable and connect with the YogaWorks Program Manager for guidance and assistance.

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