
The more prominent placement you give the Teacher Training materials in your studio, the more value the students will associate with the program and the more likely they will be to sign up.  This bannerette is large and eye catching and is meant to draw attention both to the Teacher Training display and highlight the upcoming “Meet the Trainer” event.  Since we want to draw as many people as possible to the “Meet the Trainer” event, it is recommended to have a bannerette as part of your display.  This can be used in place of or in addition to a poster.

As a reminder, all marketing costs are shared according to your split with YogaWorks.

33″ X 80″ bannerette.  The cost is $200 and includes a stand.  Shipping will be extra.

A vinyl replacement for a future training will cost $100 plus shipping.  The stand is reusable.

Pictures of the bannerette and content are below.









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