Your Staff

Share the value of the training with your staff and give them extra incentives to share their excitement with yogis at your studio.

Benefits: Your staff knows what level class your students are attending, and will be able to help reach out to the more advanced students who would benefit from the program.

When to do this: Educate your staff right away about why you brought the teacher training to the studio, and what it is all about.

How to do this:

  • Announce it at your staff meeting
  • Strongly encourage your staff to attend the Meet the Trainer.
  • If your staff has a relationship with a student who is consistently taking a higher level class, they can recommend the training by saying something like “Hey, I have noticed you’ve been taking this advanced class for a while, have you thought about doing a teacher training?  It’s not just for people who want to teach, but it’s also for people who want to continue to deepen their practice” and handing them a flyer.
  • Incentivize your staff with studio credit.  At YogaWorks, the front desk staff receives $150 worth of “Buddha Bucks” (credit that can be used on any YogaWorks purchase) for every Teacher Training referral who signs up.  There is no limit on this offer, and we have seen some people really take off with this promotion, earning themselves hundreds of dollars in Buddha Bucks that they can now put towards the training or anything else the studio sells!

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